In case you didn't know, Crazy RxMan is on Twitter as @CrazyRxMan. You're probably already aware of that, but if you've always looked at this blog via a mobile device, the latest tweets box might not show up on there.
Here are the most popular tweets from 2013:
Good techs are worth their weight in GOLD! THANKS to all you techs out there making life easier for pharmacists and patients! I SALUTE YOU!
By the end of my shift I hate everything pharmaceutical, people, and most anything within eyesight. That's normal, right?
Hey PRESCRIBERS, how about you STOP giving drug coupons to patients on Medicare. They CAN'T use them and WE have to give them the bad news.
You tell me you don't want a flu shot because it will give you the flu. I hate you.
Isn't it amazing how "Grandma" doesn't care about what insulin syringes she gets... any of them will do... ???
You would think people would be patient with the pharmacy considering we handle meds that could make their life miserable if missfilled.
"Oh no, I don't mind leaving my lunch to answer a question on your bowel movements... not at all."
I weep for our children's future. The vast majority of the public is so amazingly stupid it's no longer funny-- it scares me to death.
No, we don't stock every pharmaceutical product known to man. NO ONE DOES. Deal with it. #WhyYourPharmacistHatesYou
#PharmacyTip ~> Pharmacists! Buy your technicians lunch on occasion. They deserve it.