Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dumbest Toy of the Week


Now for something in really bad taste, here's a BENDABLE Jesus toy. It's sold by a website called No surprises there.

"Get Bendy with Jesus and rejoice in his ambidexterity. This Bendable Jesus of Nazareth Toy is fun for all ages since he likes to cling to things in your car, at your desk, in your room and so many other places. He guides you to do things as he would, with great buoyancy. The king of all kings comes adorned in a red and white robe. He wears his signature sandals and his curly hair. We hear he makes wine out of water and can make one loaf of bread into several. He's pretty much the coolest guy in the entire universe and it's not just because he's Bendable. If we put Gumby and our Bendable Jesus in a boxing match, it's obvious who'll be walking on water. Get your own personal Jesus and let all bask in the glory of his majesty."

Oh, that's just awful. Awful! 

If you're feeling extra religious, a BENDABLE Mary toy is available as well.


  1. We have had a family wobbly Jesus for a number of years. By means of a spring and a suction cap he can reside in many equal opporuntiy locations around the home of our cars.... Every birthday or Christmas he gets passed on to another family member... no miracles yet but we're all still breathing... last time I listened

  2. My family used to do that with this old piece of crap belt buckle. It was a gift that kept returning every Christmas. It would have been a lot more fun with a wobbly Jesus.

    Maybe I'll have to order a bendable Jesus and reintroduce this family tradition. Thanks Footie!


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