Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Kiss My Booboo

Hope was back on Monday. She was high on something and wanted a flu shot. She's been getting way too much Xanax lately but the doc just keeps giving her more and approving early refills. 

We were quite busy so I asked her to wait in our expensive waiting room. She was in there for about three minutes then wandered off for about ten minutes. Then she came back up to the pharmacy window and asked for a flu shot like she wasn't aware she had already asked for one. So, I thought, I'll play along. I sent her to the waiting room, again.

Flu shots on Monday really suck, but this time I made other pharmacy patrons wait while I prepared a flu shot. I'm NOT going to let this old pain in the ass get me fired because I didn't give her a flu shot within her predetermined time limit. 

So I ask a tech to join me in the flu shot room. I need a witness. I refuse to play my amusement game like I do with other people. It doesn't matter. Hope has her own amusement ready...

I give her the shot and fold over the bandaid using my time saving technique. And then she said it...

"Ouch! Kiss my booboo!"



Unknown said...

You give out bandaids for your shots? I just stick and go. Save more time, haha.

was1 said...

@Laurie... stick and go. sounds like next year's tag line. this year's is 'wear short sleeves'.

Anonymous said...

what is the best day for flu shots?