Mom steps up to the window. She asks, "Can I get a flu shot too?"
I reply, "Well, yes, you can get a flu shot, but if you've been exposed to the flu, it's not going to help."
A funny look crosses her face. "What do you mean?"
"Your kids are getting Tamiflu," I respond. If your kids have the flu, more than likely you've been exposed to the flu too.
"Oh, they did a culture. It's not the flu."
Now a funny look crosses my face, "Why are they prescribing Tamiflu, then?"
"Good question," she says. Mom looks worried and steps out of line to call the doctor. She comes back one hour later and still wants the medications for brother and sister. I ask why and I'm told it is "precautionary." I then proceed to counsel the mom on the medication and learn that its been several days since the first symptoms and that the doctor is aware of that.
"Tamiflu should be started within two days of the initial symptoms of flu," I tell her. "You said it has been several days since the first symptoms."
Mom steps back out of line to call the doctor. Another hour passes. She returns and tells me she's still going to get the medications. The co-pay is $125 per kid. She just wasted $250.
And she still wanted a flu shot.