Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thirsty for an Answer

"I'm thirsty all the time and I urinate five times a day. Does that mean I'm diabetic?" she asked.

"Have you had your blood sugar checked?" I responded.

"I'm thirsty all the time and I urinate five times a day. Does that mean I'm diabetic?" she asked, apparently not listening to the question I asked to try and help her.

"Have you been to the doctor?" I ask. I'm ruling out Type 1 diabetes by her age but I do want to help her.

"I'm thirsty all the time and I urinate five times a day. Does that mean I'm diabetic?" she asked again. 

At this point I'm thinking maybe something is not right upstairs.

"Not necessarily," I respond.

"I'm thirsty all the time and I urinate five times a day. Does that mean I'm diabetic?" she asked again.

"No." I respond.

Lady walks away. I think diabetes shouldn't be first on her things to worry about.


  1. "Asssphincter says 'what'?"

  2. No ma'am.

    I believe you are suffering from a rare condition described by the great Dr Oz known as 'craniorectal inversion'

    *dramatic pause*

    May I help who's next?


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