Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Great 2am Moth Hunt

So I had a wreath on the front door for Christmas, which I brought in the first week of January and set on the floor to put into storage. 

Unknown to me there was a moth hiding in the wreath that consequently started to flutter around the apartment.

Leo, head of pest control (mousekeeping), went into full alert mode desperately trying to find a way to hunt and kill the moth, knocking over several items in the process. 

He finally gave up UNTIL 2am when the resident human was asleep. At 2am, apparently the prime hour for moth hunting, Leo decided to check every corner of the apartment, including the windows by my sleeping head in search of this moth.

Finally the moth was discovered on the wall above the dresser. After several failed attempts and knocking everything on the top of the dresser off... it was the resident human that killed the moth with a Popular Science magazine (the irony of using an old fashioned kill technique with a magazine about new technology has not escaped me) and the hunt subsided. 

When I say subsided I mean that it continued, just not as intensely, allowing the resident human to sleep. For the next several hours Leo was actively patrolling the premises.


Anonymous said...

Just doing his job, earning his cat treats!

Hildy said...

Was that Leo's picture? If so, he's adorable.

Crazy RxMan said...

Yep. That's Leo. He always has a stoic, intense look but he's cuddly and adorable.