Saturday, June 29, 2013

A serious refill request

So I fax off to a doctor for a refill request on a new patient.  Unfortunately, me being beaten to a pulp daily in the pharmacy, I get tired.  I forgot to fill out the form I faxed out with the patient's name and date of birth.  Duh.  I'm always making fun of them, now it's my turn to get it back...

Yep, I deserved it.  But I take my stripes in stride.  I added the patient name and thus made it a serious request:

So they get the joke, and I get a smiley face in return...

Yay!  Refill authorized!


Anonymous said...

That's cool! Seriously! 😃

Anonymous said...

That's cool! Seriously!

Diane said...

Good job, we r all human😊