Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mrs. Tasker Gets Mad

So last week this lady who has a rambunctious kid on Concerta calls and asks us to fill it for her. We have one Rx on hold, but it's more than three months old. I tell her we need a new Rx. She gets mad, telling me that we lost the Rx that she dropped off. No, I explain, we didn't lose the Rx. It's just outdated. She continues to argue, saying that just can't be true because she dropped off three at the same time. Somehow I'm able to convince her that we need a new Rx.

Later she comes to the pharmacy with a new Rx. She's really mad now because the doc's office charged her a whole $20 for a new Rx without an appointment. (This is a lady who's willing to pay $120 per kid for brand Singulair every month when the generic is $7). She's quite snooty about the whole thing. She suggested we pay the $20 because we "lost" the Rx. And she had a string of nasty things to say, such as suggesting we were incompetent.

But I was ready for her. Before she showed up I dug out the last two scripts to show her the date they were written and when we filled them AND the third one that was out of date.

After her tirade, I show her the prescriptions. She sees the dates from four months ago. Now she wants to blame the doctor for not post-dating the scripts. I told her that's not legal.

I explained that they are only good for three months from when they are written, not when she dropped them off.

After all this, no apology for all the nasty things she said, all the suggestions that we screwed up, or for wanting us to pay the $20.

No, her big reply was, "Oh."


Anonymous said...

So, is the three month thing a state law? We don't have anything addressing c2 expiration dates so they are actually good for a year here.

Anonymous said...

uhm, shouldn't that then default to a 6 month expiration like other controls?

pharmaciststeve said...

KY - C-II's expire in 60 days..

Anonymous said...

Yes, federal law is 6 months, so one year wouldn't be legal. In Texas, C-II rxs are good for 21 days (it used to be 7), and they have to be written on an official prescription form provided by the state, with a control number used to track the prescription. There is now a provision for issuing multiple rx's that enable a patient to get up to 3 months worth of a C-II without returning to the doctor, but I don't hold them for the very reason as described in this blog post.

Anonymous said...

Actually, C2 rxs are not bound by the 6 month federal rule. I was in an argument about this recently and lost. The same is true for C5. The only ones the Federal law talks about the 6 month rule on is C3 & C4. Crazy!


Unknown said...

C-2's expire in 30 days here.