Thursday, September 17, 2015

Seahorse Higgins

I was on a rotation at a retail pharmacy in 2006 and took a new Rx over the phone for an eye medication.

The patient: Seahorse Higgins

At first I thought it was a medication for a child of the 60s with an unusual name... I could see that, right? Earth, Wind, Fire, and Seahorse. It might even make a good name today. No, this was a medication for a real seahorse. Oh, I've filled plenty of prescriptions for dogs and cats, and even a horse or two since then, but this apparently is my only Seahorse patient.

I wonder how the little guy is doing now.


Terese said...

I had to do that once: Diamox for my Mr. Snickers and his gas bubble disease. Unfortunately, it didn't work. All of us in the seahorse community appreciate vets and pharmacists going out of their way to help treat unusual pets!

Anonymous said...

Given the lifespan of seahorses, it's safe to say that Seahorse Higgins rode off to the giant undersea pasture of the sky

Anonymous said...

I had to get a script filled for my pet rat years ago. They mixed it with a flavor he would like. I have always felt so grateful to those at that little pharmacy that helped me. BTW, the meds were a long term thing and they worked for good while.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of flavored medications, cats often LOVE cantaloupe flavor. It was the most popular flavor at the clinic I worked at, tuna a close second.