Monday, April 4, 2016

Voltram Gel

I love Urgent Care centers. They provide me with gems like this almost on a weekly basis. 

At the same time, I worry about the future of health care. These places are popping up everywhere while genuine primary care physicians are disappearing. I know there's many of you who are thrilled to have healthcare now because of the "Affordable Care Act," but seriously, the level of healthcare being provided has declined dramatically.

There is no such thing as "Voltram" gel or a "garm." This was carelessly written by a doctor or staff member that meant to write "Voltaren" and "gram." No, this one isn't a big deal. Any pharmacist would spot this immediately. What's scary is the ones that don't get caught, for drugs that shouldn't be prescribed, for conditions the patient doesn't really have.

Think about it.

Voltram would make a cool drug name, though.


Melissa said...

Maybe they are trying to create Ultram's cousin? /facepalm

Anonymous said...

If you think careless physicians butcher drug names and dosages, you should see what speech recognition does to them.

Anonymous said...

Gimme muh Oprahmerazoles. And muh Flook-a-nook-a-zoles. Just gimme all muh pews. You know what? Just fill everything...


Unknown said...

Ortho Tetracycline? Or how about "zanacks"

Unknown said...

What, and all you guys have forgotten about "Dioxin"? $h!t, even my dad called it that.

Anonymous said...

My favorite was a really sweet guy 80+ years old calling in for a refill on his "hydro-cocoa".

It just made me smile because you don't often get a cute story about hydrocodone, it's usually quite the opposite. With all the narcotic enthusiasts who take their controlled meds very seriously it was rarely mispronounced aside from the odd "hydrocodeine" here and there.

Anonymous said...

My fave is Omaprazoli. Or Simvastiton. or Tramadors. But, I shouldn't talk. To this day I cannot say Metronidazole. Nope.