Healthy eating is a such a good idea. Maybe I'll start giving that a try. Apparently, small meals spread out throughout the day seems to be the way to go these days. Here's a link to some health recipes and an infographic on small meals.
[Source: Healthy Times Blog]
If I left the pharmacy five times, we would be giving gift cards in the hundreds due to customer complaints. It is the exception and not the rule if I get through 10 minutes of the half hour "uninterrupted" lunch break. No food or drink in the pharnacy rule makes five meals a day an unattainable dream.
And therein lies the sarcasm.
I have rarely finished a sandwich without being interrupted.
Maybe your low blood sugar muncher tech has 6 copies of these and takes em all literally at the same time? "But the guidelines say I have to do it!"
Hmm - if I ate that lot I'd put on weight! I eat twice a day, low but not no carb. Only time I have hunger pangs? When I ate carbs with too little fat or protein with them.
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