Saturday, February 21, 2015

This will get his attention...

I'm all alone one day in the pharmacy. At some point in the afternoon I became aware that I was doing the "pee dance" and had to leave the pharmacy for some personal business.

I'm gone less than three minutes.

Three minutes.

As I rush back to the door to the pharmacy, I hear the phone ringing. I hate phones. I hate ringing phones even more. I hate ringing phones in a pharmacy the most. I quickly get the key in the the lock and zoom in toward the phone when out of the corner of my eye I see a patient at the pick up window. So now my intention is to place the caller on hold and zoom back to the register.

The patient snaps his 2005 flip phone shut. "Oh, that's me on the phone. I was calling to get your attention," he says.


I'm gone LESS than three minutes and some nut job wants attention NOW and calls the pharmacy in order to get me to run back to the pharmacy. You insane, impatient piece of manure. Really?


Anonymous said...

It's because they are the most important person in the whole world and they can't wait 3 minutes.... duh

Anonymous said...

"Oh, I'm sorry but we are currently out of stock on your narcotic. No, I don't know when our order will deliver more. Have a nice day."

Bop said...

Did you put a sign up saying you'd be right back?