Saturday, November 17, 2012


Favorite Voicemail of the Week:

"Hello, this is Jenny from Madstone Family Medicine. I'm calling in a new script for patient Joe B. Blow, date of birth 12/10/1956.  It's for Flag-Gill (She means Flagyl, which is pronounced "Flad-Jill") 500 million-grams (she means milligrams), one by mouth BID (she pronounces it like it rhymes with "hid") for seven days."

<CLICK> Jenny hangs up.  No phone number, name of doctor, etc. Fortunately I look on my smartphone (which we're actually not supposed to have in the pharmacy) and am able to look up Madstone Family Medicine and get a number and then call and get a name. I would look on the Internet and get the number but we don't have access to the Internet at my company. Too many pharmacists were using the Internet to make their jobs easier.

I tell you, this blog writes itself.


Anonymous said...

I'm a technician, and I've always thought it was really stupid that any old joe from a doctor's office could call in a script, but only a pharmacist could receive the verbal order or phone message. And, my experience has been that when the front-desk girl from these offices calls us and leaves a message, it's almost always rapid-fire, unintelligible, and missing key bits of info, and it's most definitely at 4:55 PM so when we want to call back to figure what the heck the doctor actually wanted, she's already skipped off to begin enjoying her evening.

Anonymous said...

Anon., it depends on the pharmacy and the state! In Missouri, at the small independent where I worked, CPht's could take RXs if they had been trained. Saved a lot of time! However, it would be obnoxious when doing transfers to places like Wal-hell or out of state where it HAD to be a pharmacist giving/receiving transfers!