Monday, June 4, 2018

Additional Pharmacist Requirements

Your friendly neighborhood druggist knows all about medications, interactions, side effects and counseling patients on medication use. Years of education and rotations are required to obtain a "PharmD" (Doctor of Pharmacy) degree.

But what you don't know is everything else your typical pharmacist is "expected" to know:

* Billing requirements for major insurance companies
* The incredibly complex billing requirements and protocols for Medicare part B and D and Medicaid
* The complex software requirements for the company's pharmacy software
* The weird and illogical idiosyncrasies for that software
* How to spot a fraudulent prescription
* How to keep a person with a fraudulent prescription in the pharmacy until the police arrive
* How to deal with the frustration when the police don't show up in a timely fashion and the guy gets away
* How to deal with and say no to addicts that want early refills on narcotic prescriptions (without getting shot)
* How to unjam a jammed printer, change toner, and deal with other hardware issues
* 25-30 distinctive passwords (which must have at least one UPPERcase letter, one special character, and one number) to log in to various supportive applications, most of which can only be accessed inside the locked pharmacy and really have no need to have a password
* Where the grocery keeps olives, mustard, dice, USB cords, and any other obscure item the customer is looking for
* How to repair phone equipment, fax machines, and scanner equipment
* How to use diabetic testing units for all brands, change batteries, and diagnose and fix blood sugar testing equipment
* The exact price of every medication in the pharmacy off the top of our head
* How to open a jammed lock in the door to the pharmacy or a cabinet holding controlled substances
* How to assemble displays and other promotional items 
* Extensive knowledge of the thousands of pharmacy plans and the correct individual pharmacy plan for each patient
* How to push and sell immunizations since we're not salesman, we're pharmacists

And this is just the short list...

So the next time you're at the pharmacy and the pharmacist looks overwhelmed and miserable... well this is partly why.

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