Saturday, December 13, 2014

Recognizing Good Deeds

Awhile back I attended a "mandatory" meeting at the corporate office. This was one of those meetings where The Authorities waste an entire day telling us stuff they could have easily emailed or faxed or handled in a "mandatory" conference call. 

Since they've made everyone come to these meetings, they find things to use up the time allotted. One thing they do to fill up the day is recognize a few people and pat them on the back for a job well done. And I suppose that's a good thing, especially for the ego of the people getting the recognition.

"We'd like to recognize Dr. Mary Goodypharm, the staff pharmacist out in Ruraltown. A recent email from a customer writes how Dr. Goodypharm went out of her way to deliver a medication to a customer who couldn't come down to the pharmacy. This is exactly the kind of pharmacists we need at Goofmart Pharmacy. Let's all give Mary a round of applause."

The Authorities went on for a good 15-20 minutes highlighting the good deeds of various pharmacists in our state's Goofmart network. People applauded. We're all one big happy fleet.

And you know what, they are good deeds. They deserve recognition, for sure.

But it also occurred to me... for every story and good deed I heard that day... every instance and example of going "up and beyond" the normal call of the pharmacist... well, not to toot my own horn, but I've done all the same things myself at my pharmacy. None of my patients (to me, they're patients, not customers) sent in a thank you for my good deeds, and that's ok because I wasn't seeking recognition anyway. It's just part of my job.

The real point I'm getting at is that The Authorities must not be aware that we have all gone out of our way in one way or another for our patients. I'm not anyone special. I'm just your regular old boring pharmacist like most every other boring pharmacist out there. I've stuck my neck out for people, delivered medications to homes of elderly ladies who can't drive. I've driven all over town to pick up a medication at another Goofmart for someone in dire need. I've opened early. I've stayed late. I've called and fought with doctors and insurance in behalf of patients. I've personally saved lives, and sometimes without the patient even knowing it. And so has every other pharmacist and pharmacy technician.

We all need recognition as professionals, as part of a healthcare team, as the final and crucial step in the safety chain to protect and counsel patients. If you're a pharmacist or pharmacy technician, I know you've done a lot more than you've been asked to do.

We all deserve recognition. So let me say THANK YOU for all that you do, in secret, behind the scenes, or without any other recognition.


Anonymous said...

I love you. Spot on

Bean said...

That kind of stuff happens all the time. A person will be recognized for something nice they have done once, while others, who do it all the time, never even get noticed. It's frustrating.

Nothing to do with this post, but I thought of you today. My 13 year old son has been taking Prednisone for the last couple of weeks due to an allergic reaction he had. He's fine, amazingly he had no side effects with the medication (I know a lot of people who can't take that at all so I thought he might have an issue, glad he didn't), he has been taking the pills as directed and...we have 15 extra pills. Cannot, for the life of me, figure out how that happened. If it were you, would you want me to return to the pharmacy and let you know, or should I just forget it and pretend it never happened?

Crazy RxMan said...

Without knowing exactly what happened, I can suggest a few scenarios.

1. The doctor wrote the regimen, did an incorrect calculation, and prescribed more than needed. The pharmacy which usually catches that didn't catch it.

2. The pharmacy did a miscount.

3. You missed some doses or misunderstood the instructions.

Whatever happened, if he's doing fine and getting better, don't worry about it. Treat the patient, not the numbers.

Bean said...

Thanks. I went back and looked at the bottle. The bottle said that it contained 58 pills, but if you add up the number of pills he was supposed to take a day with the number of days he was supposed to take it, we should have only had 43 pills. But yeah, I completely agree with treat the patient, not the numbers. I just didn't want anyone at the pharmacy to get in trouble if it was noticed that they were missing 15 pills.

Anonymous said...

Additionally, i have seen doctors write enough of a quantity in order to cover a refill. Why they just don't write one refill idk, but the doctor might have written extra to cover an additional outbreak.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Crazy! As a kick-ass CPhT, we really appreciate the kudos to those of us who share the trenches with you and have to deal with all the stupidity. Especially when I get a new Norco 5/325 rx that is written for #120 and a sig of....drum roll, please.... PRN. (Of course the patient was pi$$ed off that I had to call the MD)
Please keep on posting and we will continue slogging along with you as we all wade thru the bottomless corporate mud puddle.

[[Del.A.No]] said...

You are all appreciated. I'm notorious for finding manufacturer coupons and saving patients (yes, I call them that as well) hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Having a thank you sent to my GM would be awesome, but alas, it's rarely done. It's ok. I know what I did- and I did it simply because I wanted to. If the roles were reversed, I would hope that Tech or Rph would do the same for me. The Golden Rule. That's all. Bless my parents for teaching me a great work ethic and to be proud of what I do. Loved this article! Everyone keep it up.